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Find your perfect package!
29.99€Every month+ einmalig 199€Valid for 12 months- Standard Design
- Bis zu 3 Unterseiten
- Standard Support
- 1GB Speicherplatz
- 5 lizenzierte Stockbilder
- Best Seller
49.99€Every month+ einmalig 199€Valid for 12 months- Premium Design
- Bis zu 5 Unterseiten
- inkl. Domain**
- Premium Support
- inkl. Privacy Policy
- 2GB Speicherplatz
- 8 lizenzierte Stockbilder
69.99€Every month+ einmalig 199€Valid for 12 months- Exclusive Design
- Bis zu 10 Unterseiten
- inkl. Domain**
- Premium Support
- inkl. Privacy Policy
- 5GB Speicherplatz
- 15 lizenzierte Stockbilder
*All package prices are from prices, as each package can be individually designed and adjusted.
**The following domain endings are included: de, com, net, org, eu, info, at, ch, biz, page, online, website, site (other domain endings are possible at an additional cost).
or pay annually and save up to € 200 !
Contact us now and let us create your individual plan together!
*All package prices are from prices, as each package can be individually designed and adjusted. After the expiry of the contract period of 12 months, the contract will be automatically renewed if it has not been terminated in good time within the period of notice.
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